"I used PIC for my application preparation for a legacy airline. Their service was fantastic, and my application was perfect as there were no questions in my interview about my application. I would highly recommend their service to anybody and I greatly appreciate their hard work. Thank you PIC!" - Client, May, 2019

 Have questions about our services? Submit a  question on our 'Contact Us' page and we'll get right  back to you.

 The airlines are hiring! Haven't gotten the call  yet but want to know how to get on top of the  pile? Send us an email and we'll get in touch  with you on how to separate yourself from the  competition!

"I'm glad I used PIC. I received a quick response after submitting my application for review.  The feedback was constructed in a easy to follow email. They were even able to find errors that were missed by other professional consulting companies. It was a great service and I'd recommend them to anyone! - Dan K.

Recent Testimonials:

"I feel like the panel interview went very well and I think a large part of it was Matt's tips on how to word my answers. The panel really seemed to like my answers and it provided for a very comfortable experience." - Chris B.

"A BIG thank you to Craig at Pilot Interview Consultants! He ensured my paperwork was in order and I was completely prepared for the interview. He gave me the leg up and confidence needed to be successful. DEFINITELY worth you time and money! - Doug N.

​"I used PIC which I highly recommend.  Matt Smith really was exceptional.  He has some GREAT input for the interview.  I really cannot imagine not doing this interview prep…you have to put in A LOT of time by yourself too, and in no means can you ONLY do interview prep with a company – but you get some tried and tested opinions when you also use a company.  Just make sure you put in a ton of effort before you do this prep…they can’t give you the answers, but they can tell you if your answers could be better and in which way!" - John D.

"I can honestly say a big part of why I landed the job is the prep help I received from Pilot Interview Consultants!" - Jason O.

"I choose PIC over the others because they were willing to spend more than the standard three hours preparing me. PIC is an excellent value for the money." - Jeremiah A.


"I owe a lot to Craig for helping me receive a CJO with my dream company! He made sure that I was prepared for anything that came at me in my interview. Without his help it would have been been way tougher to get through that day. Thank you again!" - M.J.


"While preparing for an interview with a regional airline I found Pilot Interview Consultants.  Having no airline experience and not having interviewed for a job in 20 years, I decided to get more information.  This decision proved to be very valuable.  Matt reviewed my application and suggested several changes that were detail oriented and important to making sure the application gets through the first round of screening.  After cleaning up the application we had a phone call and mock interview.  This was the best money I could spend in preparation for the interview.  Matt suggested several interview tips that would help me be more polished and professional.  I highly suggest anyone getting ready for a pilot interview reach out to Pilot Interview Consultants." - John D.

"I used Craig and was successful. He went through my app with a fine-toothed comb, described the whole day's events to me with maps and diagrams of where exactly to go and how the interview area was layed out, explained all of the cog tests, went through 2 hours of panel interview questions and filmed the whole thing, answered all of my questions without having to ask someone else, and made himself available afterwards for more prep and more questions. He ALWAYS had constructive criticism and never just said, "That was good. "He has a great thought process and method for getting you where you need to be. He has 100% of my confidence and satisfaction. Use him while he's cheap!" - Chris M.

"I cannot thank you enough for helping me prepare for my interview. Absolutely money well spent!" - Jim S.